Runescape Name: Servesta
Combat Level: 136
Total Level: 2271
Favourite Boss: QBD
Favourite Minigame: Duel Arena
Why do you want to join Aus Eclipse?: Coming back from a 3 year break, want to get back into PVM
Do you have any experience in clans? (If so, please post the name of the Clan) Been so long since ive played, I cannot remember the clans name.
If you do have experience with clans, what were they? (Were you in a leadership position?, What made you leave? etc) Just a member, left due to quiting rs
On a scale of one to ten how amazing is TIMI?: 7
Can you take a joke? Ofcourse im Aussie
What do you think you can bring to Aus Eclipse? Friendly PVMer
28-Mar-2017 10:50:17