Total Level:2849
Favorite RS Activities:Slayer
Current RS Goals:200m Slayer xp/120 Summoning
Q: Have you read the Clan Rules?
Q: Name one of our Clan Rules and explain why it should be followed.
A:The rule about sensitive topics, should be followed now more than ever with everything that is going on in the world.
Q: Will you treat everyone with respect, and follow clan rules?
Q: Do you understand that if you do not follow our clan rules in addition to Jagex's rules, or become inactive, you will be removed from the clan?
Q: Due to increased interest in our clan, we currently work with a waiting list. Do you agree with being added to our waiting list after your application has been accepted?
Q: Upon joining - would you like to be invited to our Clan Discord?
Q: Is there anything else you would like us to know?
A:Not as of right now.
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Hi, thank you for completing our membership application Gh0st_Monk! We are happy to inform you that you have been
and added to our Clan waiting list. Please be approachable in-game so we can contact you via private message and welcome you into our Clan. In the meantime, feel free to guest around in our Clan Chat.
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The Order of War
2600+ Total
International Tier 7 Citadel, Skilling, & PvM Clan