Current RuneScape goal: To build my account to a point where I’m content with the build and just be able to pvm whenever I’m online.
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you? I played runescape back in elementary school and middle school with a good high level account. I’m active duty military looking for a clan to pvm with whenever I’m online with my new account build that understands if I can’t be on due to real life situations. There’s also new bosses in the game, new weapons, and strategies there wasn’t years ago. I have basic knowledge of pvming but a lot has changed and I want to learn.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn? Learn
What are you looking to teach/learn? Low/mid lvl bosses (kbd, bandos, armadyl, zammy) if I only did gwd for the rest of my rs career I would be content
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules? Yes and yes
10-Apr-2019 07:12:51