Current RuneScape goal: Current goal is to regain my completionist cape back as well as learn all of the new pvm that has been added to the game.
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you? After guesting i have found the clan environment is active. I also think Eternal Division is for me because of my love for the game and being able to pvm with other players and have the social aspect would add to my gaming experience.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn? Currently i would like to learn.
What are you looking to teach/learn? I am looking to learn vorago (already know it just want to tune in skills), AOD, Solak, ED1, ED2, and also to learn BM roles and Yakamaru.
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules? Yes i do.
01-Dec-2018 18:06:43