Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you?
I sat as a guest in the chat and liked the chat environment. Everyone was super helpful, and knowledgeable. I'd like to start learning more pvm, and at some point be able to do the high level bosses such as Vorago or Telos. I'm confident this is the clan that can help me get there.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn?
I would like to learn primarily. However, I have done some GWD1 where I can solo for hours, so with that I am definitely open to helping newer people get some kc on the lower level bosses.
What are you looking to teach/learn?
I would like to learn the "Tier 2" bosses and up. As of now I'm extremely new to PvM, but I think Tier 2 would be a great place for me to start.
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18-Feb-2019 22:28:39