Current RuneScape goal:
Achieved 99 in all skills, would like to learn how to do proper bosses and experience content such as RotS, Raids, and Elite Dungeons. Time to try something beyond solo Slayer and GWD1.
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you?
From what I can tell from this thread, this clan seems accepting of those of us that are 'newbs' to the high level content RS now offers, and I figure they are chill and relaxed so that even us in between casual and regular are able to participate.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn?
Learn RotS and Raids and other various content.
What are you looking to teach/learn?
Also, want to learn proper action bar setup and 'switches' and keybinding. I usually just use revo++
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules?
Of course, 14 years of RS I know what clans expect and can respect other players.
27-Dec-2018 23:25:46