Total level: 2157
Combat level: 125
Your time zone: Mountain
Current goal in the game: To max my stats
Events that you'd be interested in: Bossing mainly but could be open to other stuff depending on time it's hosted.
Do you have access to Prifddinas?: Yes
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed player. I like doing a bit of everything.
Would you like to be added to our Discord server? Sure
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them?: Yes
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here:
Total level: 2157
Combat level: 125
Your time zone: Mountain
Current goal in the game: To max my stats
Events that you'd be interested in: Bossing mainly but could be open to other stuff depending on time it's hosted.
Do you have access to Prifddinas?: Yes
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed player. I like doing a bit of everything.
Would you like to be added to our Discord server? Sure
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them?: Yes
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here:
Hey NovaFayt!
We are happy that you're interested to be a part of Ultimatums!
Your application has been
Please join the clan chat channel as a guest and ask for invite, or PM any of the leading members that are currently online.
You can also join our Discord server using this link: