Congrats to:
Oobz - 50m Range xp
blarny3 - 875m overall xp
Mayn - 125m overall xp
Tarmogoyf - 675m overall xp
Durusnucleus - 150m overall xp
Mayn - 99 Constitution
Congrats to:
Britta 20M Constitution XP
Coquitlam 99 Thieving
Touristguide 20M Farming XP
Winser 60M Magic XP
Erebos Jax 20M Cooking XP
Touristguide 20M Thieving XP
Aerumnous 70M Ranged XP
Capt Pickle 60M Attack XP
"Kingdom of Asgarnia" clan chat is open to guests now through the weekend!