1- Introduction
"A clan ran by the members, for the members."
At NotoriousPVM we want all of our members to strive, whether it's on improving your knowledge to the game, your skills or making that bank fat. That's why I created NotoriousPVM, so everyone wins.
We are a 100+ combat clan chat with a few requirements which will be listed below aiming to create a friendly community that can strive together. We are a mainly PVM clan but this will also be a social atmosphere with room to PVP and much more.
The clan chat is founded by people that have been playing runescape since we were children, for over 10 years now! Any questions, help with content and much more will be met with no problem.
Our goal is not to become the biggest OSRS clanchat, but to become the BEST one. We are looking to expand our numbers and will be accepting members outside of our friends list now. All that is required to join is the combat level, skill total level and a few items. Please post your application in a reply to this thread. We STRONGLY believe in quality over quantity.
Clan Chat:
Homeworld: 420
Timezones: EST, PST & many more.
Founded: October 22nd, 2018.
Application Status:
Discord: Upon Application Approval
We do not mind if you need help learning end game content including bossing and/or raids 1 or 2. We have specialized members that will help teach people unfamiliar with the content.
Table of Contents:
1- Introduction
2- Requirements
3- Rules
4- Ranks & Ranking Up
5- Application
24-Oct-2018 03:04:01
- Last edited on
24-Oct-2018 03:40:45