===== PVM TRIALS=====
= YouTube video required
Unless you have a video, a Coordinator or above needs to either be on the team or observe your kill (Observe is possible for Raids and Rots only.) A quick chat can be done for 1000% Telos. If they are only observing, make sure you take a screenshot with a kill time included in it.
#1 ROTS Trial
Solo Rots
#2 Raids trial
- Duo Beastmaster OR Trio Yakamaru
#3 Vorago Trial
- Duo Vorago OR 4man Hard Mode on nihil
#4 Araxxor Trial
Solo Araxxor from 0 to 300%, no food, no banking, nihil only
#5 Telos Trial
999% Enrage kill w/o food
Additionally, owning either 'the silver warden', 'the daredevil' and/or '(insane) final boss' may count as a trial.