Do you meet clan requirements? (2200+ or 130+) Yes
Favourite Bosses? Bm for tuzzy pet change and perhaps Aod if i can do it more often
Do you have Discord? Ya. Havent used that much but i do have it
Do you have Bossing experience? If so, what? Pretty much all of the solo bosses, way more unexperienced with co-op ones but would like to make a change to that.
Have you ever hosted Raids, Events, or Group Bossing? Sometimes
What are your long-term goals? To get final boss/Ifb and slowly but surely for some xp gainz towards all 120`s
How did you find out about Artwork? Forums and a bit of Reddit
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself or would like us to know? Im one of those people who like to grind spesific thing at a time: I find switching between goals annoying