Username? z_Jerry
Do you meet clan requirements? (2200+ or 130+) -- Both
Favourite Bosses? I really like raids and have had fun at Rago but I haven't gone that often
Do you have Discord? Yes
Do you have Bossing experience? If so, what?
I've done my share of Rax, Nex (in duos), GWD2 bosses, and raids. I''ve also done a little AOD and Rago and have been to ROTS a couple of times.
Have you ever hosted Raids, Events, or Group Bossing?
I've hosted BM before...although I still struggle through the interfact
What are your long-term goals?
Maxing..although hopefully that happens in a more short-term fashion. Other than that, I'd like to learn/improve some of my PVM skills (including the switch from revo to manual)
How did you find out about Artwork?
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself or would like us to know?
Just came back from a month long trip--so may be a little rusty at the moment, but hopefully I'll get back to speed quickly!
06-Sep-2017 13:42:58