Username? Divarlie
Do you meet clan requirements? (2200+ or 130+) Yes, 2469/137
Favourite Bosses?
Love all the GWD bosses, currently slamming slayer and hoping for greater demons task to finish off 99 strength, done a bit of nex duo and trio as dps what was quite enjoyable and QBD is my money machine!
Do you have Discord? Yes
Do you have Bossing experience? If so, what?
Nex, Dps
Have you ever hosted Raids, Events, or Group Bossing? I haven't I've always just played scape solo for a couple of months then hop back to other MMO's
What are your long-term goals?
eventually maxed, this month im aiming for 9 99's lol.. currently 3/9 but end of this month just rounding off skills to hit 99
Gear wise, looking to start getting t80 with best Perks for Pvm
How did you find out about Artwork?
Just came across you guys/girls on the forums
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself or would like us to know?
From UK, 22, played scape since 07-08, and looking to learn end game PvM
10-Feb-2018 14:50:41