In-Game Name: Digitt
Total level:2509
Your time zone:EU
Current goal in the game: Working on rebuilding and getting into Higher tier PvM slowly + getting max cape and working on tier 90 gear/weapons
Events that you'd be interested in: Boss learning and joining in on PvM events
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Combatant + skilling and if I get to know people I become social
Your expectations of Ultimatums as a clan: Learning from people how to do end game content and bosses. Join in on the fun of being in the clan and learning to know the people
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? I understand the clan rules clearly
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here: Found the clans via the RS forums
09-Jul-2020 15:49:29