"We were, of course,
disgusted by the mere description of them,
but upon meeting them in battle for the first time,
they have become our immortal enemies.
It appears the vyres feel the same,
and that Lord Drakan
has made this rivalry personal."
"It is brief, but beautiful, and should be protected."
In-Game Name: Kotsm
Total level: 2841
Your time zone: EU +2
Current goal in the game: I want get my max cape back
Events that you'd be interested in: pvm activities, skilling activities and etc
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed
Your expectations of Ultimatums as a clan: Try to be a part of the great team and improve myself and make ingame friends!
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? Yes.
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here: No, i found it myself.
"I warned Saradomin about this
but he chose to ignore my wisdom
and chastised me!
A marriage between myself and Efaritay
would have guaranteed a greater amount
of reinforcement from Hallow.
Yet she and our Lord thought it more fitting
to secure the alliance of humans,
for all the good that will do us."
"It is brief, but beautiful, and should be protected."
"They seem to have failed to notice
that humans are naught but food to the vyres -
what hope do they have in holding back
the march of Drakan's forces?"
Archon Bable
"It is brief, but beautiful, and should be protected."