In-Game Name: MoistPotato
Total level: 2727 (2854)
Your time zone: MTN
Current goal in the game: Getting back into RS3 after taking a long break. Would like to get back into high end pvm like aod and rago. Possibly learn Solak and Telos
Events that you'd be interested in: PVM and clan based events
Playing style (skiller, combatant, social or mixed): Mixed
Your expectations of Ultimatums as a clan: Ive been in the clan before so I know what to expect and its the reason im rejoining again
Have you read our rules and goal and do you understand them? Yes
*If someone told you about our clan, enter their name here: BetaFox didnt really tell me about the clan but hes one of the reasons im rejoining
18-Feb-2020 19:53:02