Runescape Name: Razify
Combat level: 135
Total level: 2008
-- Levels --
Attack: 99
Strength: 99
Defence: 99
Constitution: 99
Magic: 97
Prayer: 95
Herblore: 76
Summoning: 81
Favorite boss: Corp
Favorite skill: Probably Range
• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick?
• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly?
• Can you please turn your private messages "On" so we can invite you faster?
• Please list your previous clan (s):
• How did you find our clan?
• Additional information or comments:
I am just looking for a good active clan that I can game, learn, and grind with!
Grind, Grind, Grind
07-Jul-2018 06:12:14