1. Please tell us why you wish to join The Fallen Few?
I like PVM and a good group of people to play the game with.
2. What things do you like to do in Runescape?
PVM, quests and general tomfoolery.
3. Do you respect and understand all of our Clan rules?
All the clan rules sound good and i have issue following them.
4. Do you intend to remain active throughout your time in The Fallen Few?
Ive been active for 4+ months now and plan to continue being online.
5. Please tell us a bit about yourself?
I have been playing rs for quite a while now on and off, enjoying coming back. i live in NS canada.
6. Is there anything you need to make us aware of before reviewing your application?
Nothing important that i can think of, other then i enjoy a good clan.
08-Mar-2021 01:36:51