04.) Average hours you play daily: None much Monday-Wednesday, 3-6 hours for the rest.
05.) Time are you usually on (include time zone): 7am-12pm / 4pm-10pm GMT
06.) Who, or what, enticed you to apply: I've never actually challenged my self to fighting anything harder than QBK so I'm hoping theres a few others who hasn't and we could all learn from it. Also a few dungeoneering group events would be cool because I'm usually doing it solo
07.) Ever been in a clan like this? If yes, what made you leave: It was quite most the time, I've only ever been in one clan and that was only for a week or so.
08.) Do you agree to follow our rules: Yes!
09.) What is the DESIGNATED APP WORD found in Clan Rules: Stone.
10.) List one or two ways you can earn points within the clan: Capping at Citadel and hosting/ attending an event.
11.) Do you commit to promoting the clan whenever you can, including in-game advertising and bumping (if you don't know what this is, please ask): Yes
12.) Do you promise to remain in our Clan Chat at ALL times while in-game: Yes
13.) What is it you hope to achieve by being part of The Outcast: Hoping to learn new higher level bosses so that would be a massive help! Would love a few hours of dungeoneering in a team as well as all I've been doing is soloing it most the time.
14.) What are some of your in-game goals? What motivates you to achieve them: Max cape should be soon, but my main goal at the moment is to obtain the comp cape and then hopefully the master quest cape!
15.) Anything else you'd like us to know about you: I started runescape in 2006 then stopped in 2010 for a while and feel like I missed out on loads. I've been on and off for the past 4 years or so but I'm hoping this will bring a new experience to the game
Thank you for your application which has been successful.
We now need to get you into the clan so please either add me (or one of the other clannies) or alternatively join our clan chat and we will give you an invite.
As you have taken the trouble to apply via forums, you will receive 4 clan points once you have joined us.
Thank you for choosing our clan. I hope that you will enjoy your stay with us
Live each day as if it's your last. Love everyone and hurt no-one