The competition has now ended, skills being firemaking, thieving and dungeoneering, and the results are as follows-
1st-Jedy.......................................30,612,347 (wins gp and 4 clan points)
2nd-Stapo......................................3,548,151 (wins gp and 2 clan points)
3rd-SN4CKS...................................3,411,291 (wins gp and 1 clan point)
4th-Jerem y...................................3,389,688
5th-Teh Old Toad..........................1,393,214
6th-PvM Gameboy..........................649,609
9th-Iron Jerem y..................................9,588
Once I know what the winnings are, I will post.
Details of next months skill comp will follow shortly.
Live each day as if it's your last. Love everyone and hurt no-one