combat 109 total level 1637 interested in joining your clan
I would be happy to offer you acceptance to the clan, but first (for formality) could you please fill out the application as listed on the first page of the thread?
I've pasted it below for you.
¸,•°´`°•¸¸ Faith in Honour
Deputy Owner
...... ,›°°·',.¸
...... '›,¸¸,' . `›,¸¸,'
Original message details are unavailable.
If you are interested in joining us fill the application below out and post it on our thread:
Current RS Name:
Combat Level:
Total Level:
Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above):
Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above): Yes
Favourite RS Activity: PvP/PvM
RS Goals: Max Out
What made you choose Faith in Honour: after reading several clan recruitment threads, I found Faith in Honour to stand out the most from the vibes I was given while reading, I really hope to join and become part of the family.