Hi, haven't played in a couple years and have started doing some solo beginner bosses, would love to learn more and in group.
Hey Tareh,
Hop in our clan chat as a guest and I'd be happy to help you learn some content!
If you want to join the clan fully, please fill out the application from the first page. Feel free to hop in our CC at any time if you'd like to do some bosses!
The ridges allow the coin to determine if it is real or fake. This was implemented on all coins before the 18th century. The ridges also make it harder to make counterfeit coins.
Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above):Yes
Favourite RS Activity:Global
RS Goals:Everything
What made you choose Faith in Honour: I later or instantly need to form a Vorago mass for comp and trim comp cape or keep an eye open for a mass in a clan.
Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above):Yes
Favourite RS Activity:Global
RS Goals:Everything
What made you choose Faith in Honour: I later or instantly need to form a Vorago mass for comp and trim comp cape or keep an eye open for a mass in a clan.
Hi YoungXo,
Thank you for your application which is
Please join "Faith in Honour" as a guest and alert us that you have put in an application.
Welcome to Faith in Honour
We are excited to have you with us and we hope you enjoy our clan!
•°´`°•¸¸ Jaycole
',.¸ Faith in HonourCo-Leader
...... '›,¸¸,' . `›,
Did you know that according to the Guinness World Records, on January 28, 1887, a snowflake 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick fell in Fort Keogh, Montana, making it the largest snowflake ever observed???!?