Current RS Name:Adino2
Combat Level:110
Total Level: 2072
Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above): Yes
Favourite RS Activity: Skilling
RS Goals: This is my second character. Lost my old character, it was probably deleted stopped playing in 2006 and started up last year. My goal is to do the new stuff, looks like boss fights have been added to RS and I just got a high enough combat to do the low tier ones. Also invention looks fun, I want to mess around with it. Archaeology is fun and I am enjoying doing it.
What made you choose Faith in Honour: I have heard there are benefits of joining a clan. I read 2 pages of clan adds and liked this one the best. Their are Sooooo many things added to the game since i quit, when i hit lvl 85 attack I had the option of a hundred new weapons and i wanted to discuss my options with someone. I also would like to do some boss fights, god wars 1,2, and 3 plus the other bosses. I have 300M to equip myself (and to blow on invention which looks fun) Not to serious about the game but I know the basics as I had 10 99's when i quit. So I know the old skills but could use help on the new ones. Specifically invention and combat.
08-May-2020 04:40:40