Current RuneScape goal:
short term PvM goals: getting started with GWD 2
long term PvM goals: QBD pet, gearing for, and learning the spooder,
short term skilling goals: all skills lvl 80, lvl 90 dg,
long term skilling goals: 90 all, and finishing up some 90+ skills.
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you?
I'm looking for a PvM clan that could help me "git gud" at PvM, as right now the only PvM I can do is qbd and gwd. but once I start getting into higher level PvM, I would love to then help other players that are struggeling
Currently, would you like to teach or learn?
I'm currently looking to learn
What are you looking to teach/learn?
I'm looking to pick up some tricks on GwD 2 and down the road Arraxor
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules?
07-Apr-2018 10:04:04