You can either guest in our clan chat and say you've been accepted on the forums or pm me directly. Be sure to prefix your message with '///' in order to talk in a guest clan chat or '/g' to switch to the guest clan chat tab in your chat box.
You can also post in our
, then we can organise an invite asap.
How do I get a better rank?
As soon as you join, you will be assigned the Recruit rank. As you do more PvM and upgrade your gear, you'll be able to rank up. Have a look
You can either guest in our clan chat and say you've been accepted on the forums or pm me directly. Be sure to prefix your message with '///' in order to talk in a guest clan chat or '/g' to switch to the guest clan chat tab in your chat box.
You can also post in our
, then we can organise an invite asap.
How do I get a better rank?
As soon as you join, you will be assigned the Recruit rank. As you do more PvM and upgrade your gear, you'll be able to rank up. Have a look
Current RuneScape goal: Get into consistent endgame pvm
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you? I have the level and gear for almost all bosses but lack the skill. Need somebody to teach me the ropes & you guys seem perfect!
Currently, would you like to teach or learn? Learn, although I've been killing a whole bunch of T2 bosses lately and would love to help anyone who's struggling!
What are you looking to teach/learn? Yaka>>ROTS>Rago (in that order. Yaka has been bothering me for a while now)
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules? Yes