There seems to be an overwhelming urge for most people, and their desire to PVM, although a lot of the new members of the clan seem to shy away from the higher level bosses… 18 months ago the clan used to have permanent teams for a lot of the higher level bosses, such as Vorago, Nex and Kalphite King..
To get the trend of High-Level bossing started amongst all clan members once again, the most experienced clan members in a particular boss have come forth to offer teaching for some of the newer clan members; along with teams, to help some of the newer players get started amongst these higher PVM bosses.
What we’re thinking is; if we put down some of the bosses which it seems people are eager to learn, and one to two clan members against that boss which would be happy to teach and carry some of the less experienced clan members, then when they’re online they can give some advice.
For some of the higher level team bosses; if people were to sign up, (then to sort times we take teams) and we had enough learners, versus experienced PVM’ers, we can show some of the basic tricks to getting kills at bosses such as Raids, Vorago, and Rise of the Six.
The following bosses, and clan members happy to teach them are as follows:
Nex - Abbiey
Kalphite King - Abbiey, Eu Melody
Raids - ( Beastmaster ) ( Yakamaru ) - Rusty AF
Rise of the Six - Numberman12, Abbiey
Vorago - Abbiey
Araxxor - Abbiey
If you’re a fan of this idea, comment which bosses you’re looking to learn, and the above players can start sorting and taking practise kills. If you’re an experienced PVM’er with one of the above bosses and would be keen to teach, let Numberman12 know, and he can add you to the list.
Let’s hope we can get a stronger PVM clan flowing as it was 2014!
02-Dec-2016 09:42:06