Combat Level: 122
Total Level: 1589 (yuck lol)
Which time zone do you come under?: EST
Have you read and understood our clan rules?: Yeah, I have.
Do you understand the three strike system?: Yeah, pretty straightforward.
Please summarize the rules: Listen to the leaders, me mature, respect everyone, don't break jagex rules, don't spam.
Would you lend a hand at the citadel whenever possible? Yeah, citadels are cool anyway.
Would you be interested in joining our clan site?: Sure.
How did you find out about KoY (username's if applicable)?: Saw the forum post.
What kind of activities/events do you enjoy in-game?: Bossing, castlewars, ffa clan wars, sometimes I pvp but I quit doing that regularly quite some time ago.
24-Sep-2014 13:45:35