-+-+-+-+-+-+The Rules/Warning System+-+-+-+-+-+-
What gives a Warning:
*Note: All Warnings Are Kept On Record And Kept On Admin Notes.*
1. Respect all Clan Members and Guests:
This is pretty much a given. Treat others with kindness and avoid any toxicity.
(If in violation of this rule, a warning will be given)
2. A degree of maturity is expected from all members.
Jokes are great and all, banter and humor is very well appreciated, but it is important to know when enough is enough.
3. Do not participate in the spamming of the clan chat or forum.
(If in violation of this rule, a warning will be given or potentially muted for a period of time)
4. Listen to the administrators:
His/her word is final and must be respected in order to maintain the family atmosphere and respect in the clan.
(If you find a particular leader is being unfair or abusing powers on the matter, please bring this as soon as possible to the clan deputy leader(s) or leader.)
5. Scamming.
(Auto-Ban from the clan and put on the ban list.)
6. Hacking.
(Auto-Ban from the clan and put on the ban list.)
7. Botting (use of any macros).
(Come on, just respect the rules of the game)
8. Harassing/Trolling an Allied Clan Or one of our own members.
(We are a friendly and accepting community, and this is not the type of atmosphere we want others to see of our clan)
9. Sparking controversial arguments/discussions in the chat and refuse to listen to a leader or high rank. (any admin rank in cc)
(This goes for topics such as religion or politics, it is important to respect other's opinions and if you must, please be civil)
10. Being vulgar on a consistent basis.
(Don't be that guy - refer to rule 2)
11. In general being disruptive, failing to follow the rules and not heeding any warnings.
08-Oct-2018 07:15:08