Combat Level: 129
Total Level: 1670
Which time zone do you come under?: GMT+8
Have you read and understood our clan rules?: Yes
Do you understand the warning system?: Yes
Please summarize the rules:
Be respectful, no scamming, luring, botting, hacking, spamming the cc/forums, trolling. Always listen to the leaders + higher ranks, and always remain mature and not too vulgar.
Would you lend a hand at the citadel whenever possible? Definitely
Would you be interested in joining our clan site?: Sure, I don't see why not
How did you find out about KoY (username's if applicable)?: RS Forums (was looking for a pvm clan that takes learners)
What kind of activities/events do you enjoy in-game?: PvP (warbands & wilderness), PvM (i know how to do most bosses, but I'm pretty new to EOC and the new bosses released after 2013, so i'm still trying to learn those
» You have been accepted into the Kingdom of Yanille! Here's some tips to help you get settled in:
* Attend our events! Event scheduled can be found on our Clan Site.
* Recruiting! Any friends are welcome to join you.
• Visiting the clan site! *This is completely optional*.
* Introducing yourself within our clan chat or off-site.
* Join World 14, our home world, whenever possible - clan avatar benefits!