
PvE Hit Squad 130+ or 2200+ T7

Quick find code: 92-93-36-66166238



Posts: 17,421 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Noble Nocho said :
StarkDizzle said :
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┊  ┊  ☆
┊  ★

09-Jul-2020 20:03:12



Posts: 362 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape Name: Soosh
Combat level: 135
Total level: 2503

-- Levels --

Attack: 99
Strength: 99
Defence: 99
Constitution: 99
Magic: 99
Range: 99
Prayer: 92
Herblore: 75
Summoning: 85

Favorite boss: N/A, haven't really done any bossing.
Favorite skill: Mining for afk, or slayer for gradual training to 99.

• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick?
- Yes

• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly?
- Yes

• Please list your previous clan (s):
- Crescent Sky

• How did you find our clan?
- Forums

• Additional information or comments:
- Recently got back into the game after a long break. Slowly getting used to the new mechanics, etc. and want to get into some boss fights eventually.

09-Jul-2020 22:25:45



Posts: 576 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape Name: Miggles
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2626

-- Levels --
Attack: 99
Strength: 99
Defence: 99
Constitution: 99
Magic: 99
Range: 99
Prayer: 99
Herblore: 99
Summoning: 99

Favorite boss: Was QBD back in the day, but who knows now!
Favorite skill: At the moment, enjoying Archaeology

• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick?
Yes thats fine

• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly?
Yes thats fine

• Please list your previous clan (s): Years ago i was part of Dardans clan whatever that was called

• How did you find our clan? Searching the forums for a chilled clan to join

• Additional information or comments:
Recently returned to RS3 from about 3/4 years playing OSRS, so need some clannies to show and help me through a bunch of new content ive missed + what's meta gear now.

09-Jul-2020 22:28:42

Nov Member 2014


Posts: 12,668 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

• •
.......... Acceptance ..........
• •


Congratulations! Soosh
You have been accepted into PvE Hit Squad, now it's time for you to get invited!

Join 'PvE Hit Squad' as a guest and tell us you've been accepted.

We can invite you from anywhere, as long as we are on the same world. :)

Here are some ways for you to rank up in our clan:

Being helpful and polite go a long way :)
Bumping the recruitment forum
Gaining Xp as you play

All member rankings are done on the 1st of every month!

Please refer to our How to Earn a Rank post for more information

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

09-Jul-2020 22:32:47

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