† Username: Randers
† Combat Level: 138
† Total Level: 2736 (Comp)
† How did you find us? (were you referred by anyone): forum post
† What activities do you prefer in Runescape: I mainly, if not only, do bossing... mostly on my own since most friends have quit over the last couple of years, but really like to get back into the higher tier stuff like aod and relearn vorago (Could do all roles before, but havnt been there since "the end" update"
† Will you cap at the clan citadel?: As much as i remember to go there to afk instead of max guild
† Why did you leave your last clan?: 1 was a missunderstading, but my current one is because of inactive members (atleast in terms of events and such)
05-Apr-2019 14:21:24