Application form:
Total Level: 2672
Timezone: UK
Favorite RS Activities: Slayer/Bossing
Current RS Goals: Achieve Max Level
Q: Have you read the Clan Rules?
A: Yes.
Q: Name one of our Clan Rules and explain why it should be followed.
A: Do not trust trade. Prevents drama in clan chat, keeps you and other clan members safe from losing any items or cash.
Q: Will you treat everyone with respect, and follow clan rules?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you understand that if you do not follow our clan rules in addition to Jagex's rules, or become inactive, you will be removed from the clan?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have any further questions, comments, or concerns before joining?
A: No.
Q: Upon joining - would you like to be invited to our Clan Discord?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there anything else you would like us to know?
A: No.
08-Jun-2019 07:43:07