Event: Citadel Resource Gathering
Type (scheduled or unscheduled): Scheduled
Time of event (in GMT): 9-12pm GMT
Event host: Teh Old Toad
Teh Old Toad (capped)
Jedy (capped)
SN4CKS (capped)
Thunder156 (capped)
beat the nub
Both avatars have also capped.
We are still working on upkeep which needs 1200 stone, 1852 precious bars (ores and charcoal gathered for these), 1200 cloth and 986 rations.
Once this has been done, we will carry on with the avatar habitat upgrade
Live each day as if it's your last. Love everyone and hurt no-one
Still working on upkeep which needs 1200 stone, 1852 precious ore and 1200 cloth.
Once this has been done, we will carry on with the avatar habitat upgrade.
Live each day as if it's your last. Love everyone and hurt no-one
05.) Time are you usually on (include time zone): 6-7 pm mountain
06.) Who, or what, enticed you to apply: forums
07.) Ever been in a clan like this? If yes, what made you leave: clanmates not as active
08.) Do you agree to follow our rules: yes
09.) What is the DESIGNATED APP WORD found in Clan Rules: Ticket
10.) List one or two ways you can earn points within the clan: attending events, capping at the citadel
11.) Do you commit to promoting the clan whenever you can, including in-game advertising and bumping (if you don't know what this is, please ask): yes
12.) Do you promise to remain in our Clan Chat at ALL times while in-game: yes
13.) What is it you hope to achieve by being part of The Outcast: boss killing, playing with others in a group setting
14.) What are some of your in-game goals? What motivates you to achieve them: just general activities, questing, completing tasks, acquiring wealth
15.) Anything else you'd like us to know about you: I'm an accountant with sporadic play times annually because of tax season
All looks good, welcome to the clan! I hope you enjoy your stay.
As you've already joined, the CC, I'll meet up with you in-game and send you an invite - and as you've taken the time to apply via the forums we'll give you 4 clan points to start with, getting you closer to your first rank!
The Outcast as of 03/05/2016 - Council Member