Hi, my name is Agnak and i recently came back to the game and i want some friends to chat and hang with in the game, because i'm sure i will be playing a lot again so looking for people to play with. I quit for a long time a lost contact with my old friends so i feel lonely sometimes when playing.
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2569
Are you more of a skiller or a PVM-er? skiller at the moment because i want to max, but i can do some bosses.
Have you read our rules and clan information? yes and i agree, i´m a chill guy, i dont consider myself to old, but i´m 23 years old and i just want to have fun but really not looking to offend in any way or have inmature behavior, i want to chat and hang out with other people.
Are you interested in getting added to clan Discord server? Sure, but i can only be in the discord sometimes, i have to do some work as well so cant be in all the time.
How did you hear about us ? i just looked at recruitment forum, and your clan was the first one in the list, but i saw the name clever and i like it tbh. anyway yeah through recruitment forums.
20-Apr-2020 05:27:03