Name: Bleeze
Time Zone: EST
Previous Clan: N/A; haven't been in one in years. Cant remember the name.
Reason for leaving: N/A
Have you ever been in Incision before?
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2711
About Me:
Not much to tell. Pretty laid back guy that likes to nerd out a bit. I've been playing on and off for 10+ years. I'd like to find a clan I can stick with for the long haul.
Current goals?
120 slayer/Comp, get into so harder bossing.
We have a Discord Server available to all, would you be willing to join?
Sure, sounds fun.
We are currently aiming on becoming a more active clan. Do you agree that you may be kicked if you go inactive for 2+ months?
Of course.
Have you read Incision's rules, do you understand them, & will you follow them?
Yes, yes and yes.
Who told you about Incision?
Found you on the forums.
20-Jan-2018 00:33:43