Name: MyWavyVision
All previous display names: Kingfisherez, thedarkwayer, MeechyxDarko, Smoke xPurpp, Supreme Ezra, nighthawk t.
Time Zone: CET +1
Previous Clan: Dutch Destiny
Reason for leaving: Couldn't deal with some toxic person
Have you ever been in Incision before? no
Combat Level: 137
Total Level: 2442
About Me: I'm 17 years old and i'm currently in highschool. I enjoy listening to music (hiphop), playing games, hanging out with friends, soccer and lots more!
Current goals? Learning high pvm bosses such as AOD, Raids, ROTS etc. Maxing is also one of my goals
We have a Discord Server available to all, would you be willing to join? sure
We are currently aiming on becoming a more active clan. Do you agree that you may be kicked if you go inactive for 2+ months? I do not agree on this. I'm a busy person since i study a lot for school and also go on holidays so it might happen i will be inactive for 2 months. It wouldn't be nice to kick someone out because he/she has stuff going on.
Have you read Incision's rules, do you understand them, & will you follow them? Yes
Who told you about Incision?
No one, found it myself on the forums
Twitter: @RSNAsapEzra
09-Feb-2018 16:32:17