Total level? 2920 (2977)
Timezone? Eastern
How often are you online? 3-6 hours most days except sunday
Would you like to join the clan discord server (link: Yes
Have you read, understood and agreed to our rules (Yes/No)? Yes
Which clans have you been in previously (if any)? Ghosted FSW
How did you find out about New World Order? Forums
What made you apply? Returning player, played RSC from 2001-2006, RS2 from 2006-2011 then stopped playing for a while. I started playing again in 2020 (covid) then when FSW came along i started a new account. The clan i was in during FSW was extremely active and brought back memories of how RS used to be. Since FSW ended, the clan is basically dead (most moved to the main clan, i did not). The time has come for me to find a more active clan. Additionally, as a returning player, there is a lot of content i know nothing about. Being a part of an active clan will only help!
Are you willing to interact, hangout in the clan chat and/or Discord, and make a true effort to being part of the clan? Yes, as stated above this is an aspect of the game that i have missed over the years.
28-Sep-2023 18:12:39