Total level? 2640
Timezone? CDT Central Canada
How often are you online? Most days, I slit betweeen Rs3 and OSRS, just getting back into RS3 after quitting for a few years.
Would you like to join the clan discord server (link: Yes
Have you read, understood and agreed to our rules (Yes/No)? Yes
Which clans have you been in previously (if any)? I was a member of a social/PVM clan before quitting in 2021.
How did you find out about New World Order? Forum post
What made you apply? Looking for friends to play the game with, also looking to learn and get back into bossing content.
Are you willing to interact, hangout in the clan chat and/or Discord, and make a true effort to being part of the clan? Yes, I am very excited to learn new skills and get to the end game content. I have tier 90 gear in all 3 combat styles.
02-Jun-2023 06:14:14