Runescape Name: WiiWaa
Combat level: 130
Total level: 2541
Favorite boss: Nex
Favorite skill: Archeology
• What are your current goals on RS? maxing then quest cape then focusing on slayer logs and boss logs
• We expect maturity, do you agree to act responsibly? yes
• Did you read the clan rules, what was the 8th rule down? yes , people deemed toxic are removed quickly
• How did you find our clan? clan forums
• Additional information or comments: i stared playing the game in 2007 on this account but then i quit for a few years and i lost access to this account so i made a new main in 2012 and maxed it but then ironman mode came out and i made an ironman and grinded hard with almost 2b xp and a few 200m and 120's but recently i started to work and i barely have enough time to play so i tried to recover my first account since i forgot the password and it worked so i decided to go back to my very first account because i no longer have time to grind for hours to be able to do anything on my ironman and on my main i can just buy stuff off the ge instead of spending a long time to prepare , i have about 24k hours played across all accounts combined
(tldr; being adult sucks so now im back on my main)
06-Nov-2022 07:02:09
- Last edited on
06-Nov-2022 07:02:42
Runescape Name: Tippy Sir
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2968
Favorite boss: Arraxi
Favorite skill: Invention (not a big skiller)
• What are your current goals on RS? Get better at bossing and acquire more wealth
• We expect maturity, do you agree to act responsibly? I do agree to be an adult.
• Did you read the clan rules, what was the 8th rule down? I did read the clan rules. the 8th rule down was " People deemed toxic are removed quickly ".
• How did you find our clan? Going through forums.
• Additional information or comments: Just looking to find a clan thats open to helping a noob pvmer improve. Let me know if you need anything else.