Username/Display Name: Xigyn
Name/Preferred Name (optional): Xig or Abby
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2479
F2p or P2P player? P2P
Time Zone (Recommended): GMT
Country of Origin (Optional): UK
Have you read and consent to the Rules and Regulations? Yes
Are you an active player? Yes
Do you want to be ranked as a Skiller or Killer:? Killer
How often do you use the forums? Not very, but can use it more often
Will you use our offsite forums:? Sure
Will you bump the thread to support recruitment? Yes
Did anyone refer you to the clan? Nope
Do you have any experience in clans or skills in contributing/leading a clan? Nope
Any extra information that you would like to give? Nope
12-Feb-2017 12:57:52