Display name: Annie134679
CMB Lv: 121
Total Lv: 1958
Skills required: 3/5
Missing: 92 prayer(I do have curses unlocked however) , 96 Herblore (These were my next two goals for the Seren Weekend)
PVM Gear: Full Gwd 1 armour for all types as well as ganodermic, luck of the dwarves, blood amulet of fury, dragon rider lance, royal crossbow (will soon attempt all kiln capes)
Previous Clans: None that I can remember
Citadel use: Yes
Favorite Bosses: Never really bossed much, I just got back into Runescape after around 4 years of not playing, have been playing for a month and fell in love with the game. I see myself playing for a long time and have been grinding out achievements and learning the game again, so I decided that I should try and join a clan and learn how to PVM and learn more about all the new things in Runescape.
Discord: I don't use discord for much but I'll join
17-Apr-2019 20:22:43