Total Level: 2673
Timezone: Central Time (GMT-6) USA
Favorite RS Activities: Bossing
Current RS Goals: Currently working on skilling right now but, I tend to take breaks and love bossing.
Q: Have you read the Clan Rules?
A: Of course.
Q: Name one of our Clan Rules and explain why it should be followed.
A: 9. Do not purposefully target or kill clan-mates in Mini-games, Wilderness, or other PvP areas. This Rule 9 should be followed cause we all have to work as a team to defend and fight together to kill other enemies and not to harm or kill each other in any mini games, wilderness, etc.. I want a team to back me up to help me whenever I need them and not to kill me.
Q: Do you understand that if you do not follow our clan rules in addition to Jagex's rules, or become inactive, you will be removed from the clan?
A: I understand fully.
Q: Will you treat everyone with respect, and follow clan rules?
A: I will respect all clannies here as I want the respect back too and will follow all the clan rules as I have already read them all and understand.
Q: Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns before joining?
A: I just have a few questions to ask, how many events per week do you all do? and..Do you all do raids or boss masses as events?
Q: Is there anything else you would like us to know?
A: nothing I can think of at this moment but might ask later on if I want you all to know. Please let me know if you would like to know anything about me too! Thanks!
08-Dec-2018 14:10:30