What are your current goals on RS?
To be able to walk into any boss encounter solo or group and take him down
Don't want to feel like the one being carried
• We expect maturity, do you agree to act responsibly?
Of course
• Did you read the clan rules, what was the 8th rule down?
Toxic people will be removed
• How did you find our clan?
Through the RS forums
• Additional information or comments:
Well I guess alittle about myself might go well here I'm Souls or Ki (pronounced Kai) played RuneScape from roughly 05 I've dabbled with old school but just feels stale and always find myself coming back to RS3 I'm 28 live in England, I've worked for a popular RuneScape Fan site called RuneHQ I did there social media management for over 5 years, I play alot on mobile currently due to having a little one, but I also have a PC for the bossing I want to enjoy my main goals in RS3 are to be able to solo the elite dungeons, and to become fully comfortable with full manual, because I feel revolution is holding my DPS back, I also play Ironman so In not efficient with leveling like main should be but I guess I like being self efficient even on a main
My current stats are
Total level 2797 virtual 2834
22-Aug-2021 09:36:19