Nickname/What do you prefer to be called? LAPB
Total Level: 2536 atm
Combat Level: 138
Country and time zone: argentina EST+1/GMT-3
Current RuneScape Goals: max
How did you find out about Legend Crashers (Clan Vex, Forum, Friend)? about a year ago probably @ soul wars
What aspect are you most looking foward to (PvM, PvP, Warring, etc)? warring/pvp
Nickname/What do you prefer to be called? Cursed
Total Level: 2710
Combat Level: 138
Country and time zone: Eastern time
Current RuneScape Goals: 200m slayer/10k nex kc/comp
How did you find out about Legend Crashers (Clan Vex, Forum, Friend)? Forums.
What aspect are you most looking foward to (PvM, PvP, Warring, etc)?
PvM/PvP mostly and skilling.