Nickname/What do you prefer to be called? Derek, D
Total Level: 2155
Combat Level: 135
Country and time zone: USA, Central
Current RuneScape Goals: 99 Prayer, 99 Summoning, Overloads
How did you find out about Legend Crashers (Clan Vex, Forum, Friend)? RS forums
What aspect are you most looking foward to (PvM, PvP, Warring, etc)? PvM, grouping with others, trying group bosses.
You have been accepted to Legend Crashers!
Please Guest in our Clan Chat and someone will invite you.
TeamSpeak 3 Info is on our Clan homepage forums, you must log in to be able to view it.
If you would like to subscribe to our YT channel, search Legend Crashers on YT.
If you are interested in PvP and want to join the warring team, please contact one of our warring leaders: Deadly, DumpTruck*r, Sperry
Nickname/What do you prefer to be called? smoke
Total Level:1920
Combat Level:131
Country and time zone: u.s of texas, central
Current RuneScape Goals: find a fitting clan that likes to war, pvm, and actually talk in chat!
How did you find out about Legend Crashers (Clan Vex, Forum, Friend)?
What aspect are you most looking foward to (PvM, PvP, Warring, etc)? pvm, warring
(¸.•´ (¸.• * Acceptance to LC
-| [smokeeater |-
You have been accepted to Legend Crashers!
Please Guest in our Clan Chat and someone will invite you.
TeamSpeak 3 Info is on our Clan homepage forums, you must log in to be able to view it.
If you would like to subscribe to our YT channel, search Legend Crashers on YT.
If you are interested in PvP and want to join the warring team, please contact one of our warring leaders: Deadly, DumpTruck*r, Sperry