04.) Average hours you play daily: Depends. From 30 mins to 8 hours depending on my irl requirements.
05.) Time are you usually on (include time zone): GMT+1. I'm a freelancer so sometimes mornings, sometimes afternoon, sometimes evening.
06.) Who, or what, enticed you to apply: Was browsing forums and this caught my eye.
07.) Ever been in a clan like this? If yes, what made you leave: Yes. Immature members. I'm 24 and I don't enjoy 14 year old's concept of banter.
08.) Do you agree to follow our rules: Yes
09.) What is the DESIGNATED APP WORD found in Clan Rules: Stone
10.) List one or two ways you can earn points within the clan: Capping in citadel, recruiting members.
11.) Do you commit to promoting the clan whenever you can, including in-game advertising and bumping (if you don't know what this is, please ask): If I feel I enjoy the clan, I will promote it. I can't promise to promote it blindly
12.) Do you promise to remain in our Clan Chat at ALL times while in-game: Yes.
13.) What is it you hope to achieve by being part of The Outcast: Just being part of a pleasant community that can support, and will support me throughout my runescape journey.
14.) What are some of your in-game goals? What motivates you to achieve them: Just having a good time
. I enjoy all aspects of the game. I don't have "goals".
15.) Anything else you'd like us to know about you: Played Runescape from 2008 to 2013. Quit and sold a maxed account. Created this account last year in March. Trying to wrap my head around all the new content!
Event: Raid - Liberation of Mazcab
Type (scheduled or unscheduled): unscheduled
Time of event (in GMT): 12am GMT
Event host: PvM Gameboy