Runescape Name: Crow Caw
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2,731
-- Levels --
Attack: 106
Strength: 105
Defence: 105
Constitution: 112
Magic: 110
Range: 110
Prayer: 103
Herblore: 100
Summoning: 100
Favorite boss: Corp/QBD
Favorite skill: Fishing/Slayer
• Do you understand scamming clan members will result in a kick?
• We have members under the age of 18 do you agree to act responsibly?
• Can you please turn your private messages "On" so we can invite you faster?
• Please list your previous clan (s):
Relentless Ambition years and years ago, Don't think it's around anymore.
• How did you find our clan?
Looked at the clan rankings and seemed like the best clan for me.
• Additional information or comments:
I'm laid back and pretty active (log on daily), I'm just looking for an active clan to chat and share ideas with and possibly learn some of the harder bosses with.
24-Dec-2018 04:43:27