RSN: MyLuckIsZzz
Combat Level: 138
Total Level: 2718 (Virt. 2803)
Favourite Boss: Arch-Glacor
Favourite RS Activity: Pvming mainly but been skilling since I have come back to RS3
Question: How did you find our clan?
Answer: Forums
Question: Have you read our rules? Name 2 of them
Answer: Be Mature, Be respectful towards others
Question: Will you treat everyone with respect and act responsibly?
Answer: Of course
Question: Our discord has a lot of our clan information and is primarily how we host events and do giveaways. Would you like to join? Voice is not required
Answer: Sure
Question: Do you have any bosses you would like to learn or goals you're trying to achieve?
Answer: I am slowly pushing to max and would like to learn Zamorak, AOD & ED3
30-Jun-2023 19:56:42