fight in clan:
zParadise, informxl, RastaBaws, Mini taktix.
very offensive language, beeing all ******. won't take it away from cc, won't drop it.
Useless rank: Bestkillnot. : saying he can't kick while he can and didn't even tried. saying an Admin has to kick while he is an Admin. Rage quits because he can't handle it to kick a few people.
Paradize doesn't kick anyone either. as his bestie is zParadise so he won't kick or do anything about the fight just like Best.
Mini taktix: abusing his rank warning people for getting kicked because he doesn't like em ( as in they were fighting ) and beeing offensive and stuff himself
mostly IRL threats, offensive language,
I told them to take it to private or a friendschat. told them it was offensive and to respect the clanmembers. they didn't listen and kept going. all need to get talked to. don't forget Paradize and Best for not doign a ****
04-Feb-2012 15:18:29