Hosting new event on thursday! 4 est
= Dragon pickaxe hunt =
What i plan to do is have a relatively large team, a cannon is required for each person unless we have atleast 4, which then it becomes optional. You dont need to worry about damage since the only damage you will take is from dwogres (which will go down extremely fast) and the occasional hit from a cannoneer or dwarf. we need a good team if we are to pull this off
All drops will be split with teammates! dont hog items. Be sure to yell out an item you got so we can take inventory of drops. that way we can make sure no one is stealing an item when we do drop count, and it helps divide drops
Items to bring:
--Cannon with cannonballs
--Prayer potions, range protect is REQUIRED
--Any type of armor, try to use somthing suited to your combat style, and remeber that a prayer bonus really helps
--Your weapon of choice. Dwogres are weakest against stab, and everything else is weak against pretty much anything.
--Any type of medium-high food. monkfish are recommended, or one can use guthans instead.
What to do:
--Set your cannons on the WEST side near the dwogres. Dont worry if you are in range of the black guard since they wont do any damage. If you are worried about wasting cannonballs, move your cannon further west
--Kills dwogres as soon as they spawn. these are what will be doing the most damage to us so they are the priority
--KEEP RANGE PROTECT PRAYER ON! This is the most important rule, the cannoners can hit around 400 and are fairly accurate. We also will probably make the black guard aggressive which will lead to a barrage of bolt coming at us that can hit over 100. Leave this prayer on unless you want to die.
Bring bonecrusher with or without a splitdragon tooth necklace or the equivilant necklace.
Gem bag is useful if you have a row.
a few gray chins are a good way to deal with groups of dwarfs.
bunyip can help replace food
Remeber, bigger the team, more this will work! be sure to ***
25-May-2011 02:11:55
- Last edited on
25-May-2011 22:47:35